Car rental in
Naberezhnye Chelny

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Want to rent a car?

Rent for free

Rent for free

Earn miles with a bonus card and rent cars for free! This offer is valid for all cities and countries where we have our rental station. At least 10% of the cost of daily rental goes to the customer's card and 1 mile is equal to 1 rouble.

New only

New only

All cars that the Storlet Car Rental company offers are new. Car park is being constantly updated, because there are specially designed standards in our company – the vehicle shouldn’t be operated for more than two years.

Car supply

Car supply

Your rented car can be supplied anywhere in the city, where it will be convenient to take it – your address, any subway station, train station or airport. At the airport and railway station cars supply for free.

Guarantee low prices

Guarantee low prices

We are the first discounter company at the rental cars market. You will always find the car you like in any class with the best price in your region. Customers are guaranteed low prices on a rental car in conjunction with its high quality.